Ever wondered where your Internal TA team is struggling? Internal Recruiters are often the least developed group within your TA team; let us handle your professional process analysis to evaluate where your company needs to improve your Recruitment efforts. Laura partners with your Internal TA team through their search process, as their personal Coach through each step of the journey. In choosing this service, Laura will improve your TA process by evaluating gaps and finding solutions. This consulting is customized based on your unique hiring challenges. Eager to have the best hiring team out there? It starts with hiring an expert to coach your TA team to the next level! Laura coaches your team through one process, so they are better equipped to succeed with all of your organization’s future searches. This is an investment in their development. TO LEARN MORE, CONTACT LAURA HERE.
You may find yourself wanting to talk to a hiring expert to help you organize your thoughts and identify what you want next in your career. When you’re ready, Laura is here for you. You may be feeling like now is a good time to update your resume, revamp your social media presence, improve your confidence, create a job-search strategy and not know where to turn. Laura is here to coach you so you can reach your goals. With 13+ years of experience in HR Hiring, Laura knows what works, how to help you to stand out above the crowd, gain clarity and how to reach your HR career goals. Let’s do it together, with kindness, curiosity and humility. TO LEARN MORE, CONTACT LAURA HERE.